Price Match Guarantee

At ebikeoptions, we are dedicated to delivering the highest level of service at the most competitive pricing possible. We want you to feel confident that you're receiving the best price when purchasing our products. If, within 14 days of your purchase, an online competitor offers a lower price, or you discover a lower price on our own website, let us know. We will refund you the difference!

To make this request simply email us at with a link to our competitor's website, or ours, and our team will match that price for you.

The Price Match Guarantee has certain restrictions:

  • Before requesting a price match, the product must be purchased from our website.
  • Special discounts such as rebates, and buy one, get one free offers are not eligible.
  • The item must be available for purchase on the competitor's website and ready to ship.
  • The competitor must be an online retailer with no physical location, warehouse, or showroom.  
  • The competitor's website cannot be a wholesaler, discounter, or auction site.  For example, eBay, Overstock, and
  • The product must be sold by an active Authorized Retailer of the brand.  
  • The Price Match Guarantee includes the item price and the shipping charges, it excludes sales tax.
  • We will not be able to price match in the event a competitor's price is lower than our dealer cost.